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Welcome to Alexa Merrill's Get Well Poem!

Get Well Dear Alexa...

Get Well to You...

Get Well Dear Alexa Merrill...

We Love Youuuuuuuuuuu!

spacespacespacespacespaceAngels, like you, from Heaven are sent our way,

spacespacespacespacespacespaceLove, so pure from God, He shares with us each day...

spacespacespacespacespacespacespaceEternally your spirit was created, brought to earth, will last forever,

spacespacespacespacespacespacespacespaceXceptional charity we ask of God's son, our Brother, our Savior, our tether,

spacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespaceAnd we all must remember He is there for us no matter how stormy the weather...

spacespacespacespacespacespaceMom is your earthly guardian in so many ways,

spacespacespacespacespacespacespaceEnsuring your safety is secured, she never strays...

spacespacespacespacespacespacespacespaceRemember Dad, he is there with hope, prayer, a Fatherly strength for you,

spacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespaceReligious leader for your family through and through...

spacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespaceIn prayer we all will gather as one in Christ,

spacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespaceLearning that together we must ask Him for a miracle so sure,

spacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespacespaceLet all of us pray for your recovery to be made whole and pure...

spacespaceGOD BLESS YOU Kevin and Family!!!!!

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